Restaurants are typically assessed by the Cost Approach. This approach almost always leads to a higher value compared to the sales and income approach to value. Whenever possible an income and sales analysis should be performed on each property.
Factors to consider in getting your restaurant assessment reduced
- When was the last time the store was remodeled? Partial remodels usually take place every five years with complete renovations taking place after approximately ten years.
- Is there one drive-thru or two? More and more fast food business is generated via the drive-thru. If a restaurant does not have room for an additional drive-thru, obsolescence may be present.
- Is there a playground? Children’s playgrounds are no longer profitable and do not generate enough money per square foot to justify them.
- Is the indoor seating area too large?
- Is there an antiquated exterior design?
- What are the smoking and nonsmoking design challenges?
- Is there limited parking?