Flex Office/Warehouse Space
This type of property has heavy office ratios with air conditioning and heated areas used for both tech and assembly, typically.
Storage Warehouse
This is typically grade level. This building caters to businesses that provide a product and need to receive and ship items.
These properties are considered to be cash cows by most Appraisal Districts/Assessors due to their low maintenance cost. This attitude can often lead to higher assessments. It is important to hire a property tax negotiator to explain the hidden costs and deferred maintenance which can lead to substantial assessment reductions.
Industrial/Manufacturing/Distribution Warehouses
With many types of manufacturing being outsourced to different parts of the world, there is an overabundance of this space.
Factors to consider in getting your warehouse industrial special use assessment reduced
- What percent of the space is office vs. warehouse?
- What is the type of construction (i.e., tilt-wall versus corrugated iron, etc.)
- What is the wall height?
- How much of the space is air-conditioned?
- Is there a manufacturing use?
- What is the size of the building?
- Is there a Clean Room?
- What is the Dock Height?
- Is there an outdated configuration of manufacturing space?